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【大会講演紹介】知られざる旧北区の蝶類3種について [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

Lopinga habitat.jpg
▲シロウラジャノメ(Lopinga eckweileri)の棲息地(Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China)

 【大会講演紹介】知られざる旧北区の蝶類3種について(G. C. Bozano)

Lopinga eckwileri.jpg
▲シロウラジャノメ(Lopinga eckweileri

 2010年度に当会の林賞を受賞したイタリア・ミラノの研究家G. C. Bozano氏は旧北区の蝶類について該博な知識をお持ちであるばかりか、70歳になる今も精力的に調査行を続けておられる。今回はごく最近、新たに資料が得られた稀種3種について発表していただく。そのうちの1種を紹介しよう。
 シロウラジャノメ(Lopinga eckweileri)は中国特産種で、ドイツ人によって中国四川省北部の九寨溝(Jiuzhaigou)から発見された美しいウラジャノメの一種である。ウラジャノメは茶色という常識を覆し、上品な白地に眼状紋を欠く装いは高貴さを感じさせる。タイプシリーズは9♂1♀で記載されているようであるが、その後の情報に乏しい。
 G. C. Bozano氏は長らくこの中国特産の稀種を追い求めてきたが、今年タイプ産地を訪れ、実際に生態を観察することができたという。他の近縁種のウラジャノメと違って、発生期が早く、ブッシュや樹上を敏速に飛ぶという。
 さて、残り2種は…!? それは当日のお楽しみに!!


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【大会講演紹介】ミャンマー西部で発見された新属新種のゼフィルス [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

Burmaozephyrus habitat-1.jpg


Burmaozephyrus kohtayaungi PT.jpg
▲コーティアンミドリシジミ・パラタイプの♀(Burmaozephyrus kothayaungi


 新種の発見は運が無いとできないが、そこに至る努力と経験が欠かせないのもまた事実である。今回、ミャンマー西部・チン州の山岳地帯で発見された新属新種のコーティアンミドリシジミ(Burmaozephyrus kothayaungi )は、静谷英夫氏のミャンマーでの20年にわたる真摯な探索の末にもたらされた、偉大な成果である。


(追記) なんと! 発表者、静谷氏から驚きのビッグプレゼント!

Shizuya Zephyrus collection.jpg

何と静谷氏のご好意で、氏が情熱を傾けて挑み、次々に明らかにしてきたミャンマーのゼフィルスのエッセンスとも言える標本を、今回の大会のために1箱にまとめて展示して下さることになりました! これはゼフィルスファンは文字通り垂涎の逸品、きらめく宝石箱のような1箱になりそうです!!


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【速報】ブータンシボリアゲハ、インドでも見つかる!! [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

B ludlowi male.jpg
(2011年8月 東ブータン・トラシャンツェ(タシヤンツェ)渓谷にて)[コピーライト]渡辺康之



インド東北部、アルナチャルプラデシュ州のブータン国境に近い場所で、ブータンシボリアゲハ(Bhutanitis ludlowi)が発見されたというのです。



情報収集を進めると、場所的にはブータンのタイプ産地に近く、ありえないことではないな、という印象でしたが、驚くべきはほぼ同所的にシボリアゲハ(Bhutanitis lidderdalii)も観察されているという事実です。標高で棲み分けているのか、出現期をずらしているのか、幼虫の餌資源のウマノスズクサはどうなっているのか、疑問は尽きません。







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本物の「クロタイマイ」 [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

G. sarpedon UP.jpg
▲アオスジアゲハ表面 左:正常型 右:黒化異常型(いずれもベトナム産)[進化生物学研究所所蔵] ▲Graphium sarpedon (Vietnam)
 Left; Normal form Right; Abberant form(preserved in RIEB)

G. sarpedon UN.jpg
▲ 同裏面 / Ditto, underside



An abberant form of Common Bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon)

Common bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon) is known to have an abberant form which lacks almost all its bluish spots on its wings. This blackish form is very rare but found in many places from old days. Checking the wing patterns of this form carefully, one can find out the one bluish spot on its each forewing's apex usually remains although all the other bluish spots are missing. The reason is not certain but it is possible that this spot may have some special meaning.

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スミナガシとその近縁種(続) / Genus Dichorragia and its allies (Part 2) [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

The Constable (Genus Dichorragia) and its allies (Part 2)

nesimachus from Sulawesi.jpg
Dichorragia nesimachus pelurius(C. Sulawesi, Indoneia) [preserved in RIEB, Tokyo]


 Continued to the previous post, the Constable (Genus Dichorragia) and its allies are introduced. First of all, Dichorragia nesimachus has many sub-species especially in southeastern Asian Islands. One of the examples is shown above. This is the subspecies endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is much larger in size and the pointed apex in forewings is quite different from Japanese subspecies.

Stibochiona nicea (Yunnan, China) [preserved in RIEB, Tokyo]
Stibochiona coresia (Sumatra, Indonesia) [preserved in RIEB, Tokyo]


The above two species belong to Genus Stibochiona. This small Genus contains three species from India to southeastern Asian islands. Among them, Stibochiona nicea is confined to continental Asia from India to China including Indochina and Malaysia. Another species, Stibochiona coresia is known from Sumatra and Java in Indonesia. Both species seem to be allied species of Dichorragia nesimachus from thier wing markings.

decora UP.jpg
Amnosia decora (Sumatra, Indonesia) [preserved in RIEB, Tokyo]

decora UN.jpg
Ditto, underside


On the other hand, there is a very interesting species in Malaysia and Indonesia. Amnosia decora seems to belong to Amathusiinae or Satyrinae at a glance. But this species is definitely the allied species of Dichorragia nesimachus, considering its early stages. Amnosia is monotypic genus, this species is known from Sumatra or Java in Indonesia.
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【動画】ヒカゲタテハ / Movie File: Grey Commodore (Bhagadatta austenia) [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]


【参考文献 / References】
Wang & Morishita, 1998. Note on the immature stages of Bhagadatta austenia in South China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Butterflies 19: 30-32.

austenia UP.jpg
▲ヒカゲタテハ♂ 表面(ミャンマー・カチン州産)
Bhagadatta austenia male Upperside (Kachin, N. MYANMAR)

austenia UN.jpg
Ditto Underside

s-early stages of B. austenia.jpg
▲幼生期(after Wang & Morishita (1998))
Early stages (after Wang & Morishita (1998))

[Movie File] Grey Commodore (Bhagadatta austenia)

 Grey Commodore (Bhagadatta austenia) is a unique Sino-Himalayan nymphalid species known from India, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and southern China. Generally it is found in the forest at 500-1,000m. Flight is strong. In Kachin state, northern Myanmar this butterfly was seen from April to September continuously. Adult butterflies were observed to be attracted by animal droppings or rotten fruits. The early stages of this species have been unveiled in southern China. (Wang and Morishita (1998)) The taxonomic status is still uncertain.
(Kachin state, northern MYANMAR May 1999)

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【動画】シボリアゲハ / Movie File: Bhutan Glory (Bhutanitis lidderdalii) [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

 シボリアゲハはいわずと知れた世界屈指の奇蝶・美麗種である。ブータン西部からインド東北部、ミャンマー、中国西南部と割と広い分布をしているが、ラオスやヴェトナムでは今のところ未記録、当会名誉会長の故・五十嵐邁氏によって記載されたタイ北部の個体群(ssp. ocellatomaculata)は既に絶滅した。棲息地はアクセスの難しい、辺境の雲霧林であることもあって、生きた本種の姿を見ることは容易でない。なお昨年当会の調査隊がブータンで観察したブータンシボリアゲハ(Bhutanitis ludlowi)は生態・形態の比較によって、本種とはまったく別種と考えられる。(詳細は先に発行された当会会誌No.60を参照されたい)

B. lidderdalli CHIN.jpg
▲葉上に静止するシボリアゲハ(2002年9月 撮影:TS) 

(ミャンマー・チン州にて 2005年10月)

[Movie File] Bhutan Glory (Bhutanitis lidderdalii) 
Bhutan Glory (Bhutanitis lidderdalii) is the world famous swallowtail for its bizarre and graceful appearance. It ranges from Bhutan, NW India, Myanmar to S China. The population in Thailand (ssp. ocellatomaculata ) is said to have gone extinct in early 80's. Ludlow's Bhutan Glory (Bhutanitis ludlowi) which is known only from E. Bhutan is a distinct species. Our society had the joint research work on this species in 2011 and unveiled its morphology and biology.
(See Butterflies No.60

This butterfly appears once in a year after the monsoon. September is the best season to observe this butterfly in most area. This butterfly has a quite odd biology because it is more active in foggy and rainy day. No other butterfly likes to fly in such unpleasant weather. This video was filmed in Chin state, western Myanmar in 2005. I have never seen any video of this butterfly (though some photos are found on the Internet), so I decided to share it. Sorry for the low quality of the video.
(Chin state, W MYANMAR Oct. 2005)

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【動画】キゴマダラ / Movie File: Eastern Courtier (Sephisa chandra) [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

(ブータン・ティンプーにて 2011年7月)

s-chandra UP.jpg

s-chandra UN.jpg

[Movie File] Eastern Courtier (Sephisa chandra) 

Eastern Courtier (Sephisa chandra) ranges broadly from Nepal to China, but uncommon throughout its range. Especially females are quite rare and known to have many variations, so quite popular among butterfly enthusiasts. This species has not yet to be studied in detail, Mr. Masui Akio, the trustee of our society and the expert on this butterfly, emphasizes. According to him, there is still much possibility that cryptic species or new subspecies is found from this species. One of these possibilities is the population in Bhutan. Please compare the butterfly filmed in the movie file with the following figures of the specimen from Myanmar. The one in Bhutan, the upperside markings in forewings are all orange. Mr. Masui pointed that this all-orange form is so far found only from Bhutan and further study is needed.
This movie file is filmed by one of the members of the BSJ/Bhutan expedition for searching Ludlow's Bhutan Glory (Bhutanitis ludlowi) in Thimphu, the capital, located in eastern Bhutan.
(Thimphu, BHUTAN, July 2011)

s-chandra UP.jpg
 ▲Male, upperside (Kachin, N. Myanmar)

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 ▲Ditto, underside

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毛で隠すか? ゴミで隠すか? / Use own hairs or dusts to hide eggs [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]

毛で隠すか? ゴミで隠すか? ~「アカシジミの産卵」余話


 そんな中、ふと思い出したのが、同じゼフィルスの仲間でもアカシジミのようにゴミを集めるのではなく、自分の腹端の毛で隠す種類もいたということだ。1995年に発行された当会会誌No.10にその記事が掲載されているので参考に再録しておきたい。ネパールやインドから知られるクルミを食べるゼフィルス、クルミシジミ(Chaetoprocta odata)である。この種類は♀の腹部にボールのようなかたちをした毛束を持ち、産卵時には卵塊にこの毛をなすりつけて隠すことで知られている。


C. odata.jpg
The adult butterfly of Walnut Blue Hairstreak (Chaetoprocta odata) with the magnified abdomens of both sexes (after Kato et Harada (1995))

▲毛で覆われた卵塊(出典同上) / Eggs which are covered by hairs (ibid.)

Which way does the mother butterfly hide her egg --- to use own hairs or to collect dusts? (Continued to the previous post)

Previous post has been popular among readers of this blog because the movie file was quite unique. Many experts gave suggestive comments.

While the author of this blog stopped to think over the ecology of Lycaenidae, he remembered one old article of our journal. The article introduces another Lycaenidae, a kind of Zephyrus Hairstreak, which has a habit of hiding its eggs by its own hairs on the abdomen. The above images are from Butterflies No. 10 (1995). This species, Walnut Blue Hairstreak (Chaetoprocta odata) is known from India and Nepal. As the name explains, its hostplant is the walnut trees (Juglans spp.). Females of this species have a ball-like cluster of hairs on the tip of their abdomen. When they lay eggs, they rub these hairs against their eggs to hide.

Which way does the mother butterfly hide her egg --- to use own hairs or to collect dusts? The evolution of such behavior found in some Lycaenidae is quite interesting.

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絶滅したかマリアナ諸島特産マダラ / Extinct? A Danaid Butterfly endemic to Marianas [世界の蝶 / Butterflies World]


絶滅したか? マリアナ諸島特産マダラ

View from UOG.jpg

Eupoloea eleutho.jpg
▲サイパンマダラ(1946年 ロタ島産、グァム大学所蔵)

 サイパンマダラEuploea eleutho である。研究者によってはalgeaの一亜種とする見解もあるようだ。小型で黒地に白い紋の目立つ地味な種類である。グァムやロタ島では1946年以降は新たな記録が無いそうで、サイパン島の北に位置するアラマンガン島とアナタハン島(「アナタハンの女王事件」で有名)で確認された1971年が最後の記録だという。
 なお、本種をはじめとした絶滅が危惧されるアジア・太平洋地域のマダラチョウについては当会会誌Butterflies No.49に森下和彦氏が下記の論文を寄せているので参照されたい。

森下和彦, 2008. 絶滅したオオムラサキマダラ台湾亜種と生存が危惧されるアジア・太平洋地域のマダラチョウ. Butterflies (Teinopalpus). 49: 82-85

▲Map of Mariana Islands (after Wikipedia)

Extinct? A Danaid Butterfly endemic to Marianas

Guam or Saipan is now quite familiar to Japanese as a tourist resort island. Before WWII, these islands belong to Mariana were Japanese colonies. An endemic Danaid butterfly has been recorded from these islands.
View from UOG.jpg
▲View of eastern coast of Guam

Eupoloea eleutho.jpg
▲Mariana Brown Crow (Euploea eleutho), Rota island, collected in 1946, preserved in University of Guam

The species is Mariana Brown Crow (Euploea eleutho). Some researchers treat this species as a subspecies of Euploea algea. Small-sized and rather chic markings with white spots on blackish wings. No record has been obtained since 1946 in Guam and Rota. The last record was 1971 from Alamagan and Anatahan islands which are located in north of Saipan.
We do hope this species is still flying in the jungles of some Mariana islands.
This species is mentioned with other extinct or threatened Danaid butterflies in Asia-Pacific area in the following paper.

Morishita, K., 2008. Euploea phaenareta juvia, an extinct Taiwan race, and some vulnerable danaid butterflies in Asia-Pacific area. Butterflies (Teinopalpus). 49: 82-85

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